Movies With pride: Am I OK?

On the last day of Pride Month, I’m closing it out with a review of a 2022 Sundance hit that is just now landing on MAX. Starring Madame Webb herself, Am I OK is the directorial debut of Tig & Stephanie. There are so many directing duos out there, from the Coens, The Wachowskis, and The Daniels to this married couple, I feel like they need a name to combine them, but Stephanie didn’t take Tig’s last name. But, I’ve seen this couple represented before on screen, and they are freaking adorable together, so I was really excited to see … Continue reading Movies With pride: Am I OK?

Jim Henson: Idea Man

Inevitability. It was impossible to avoid the eventual documentary that would be about Jim Henson. Luckily, it is directed by Ron Howard, which feels like an upgrade of sorts, except he’s more known for features.There was a lot of hesitation on my part, this being a Disney Plus release, and whether or not Disney or the Henson family would ever let anyone “go there”. Like, no one is perfect, and a documentary that does nothing but paint their topics as carefully crafted masters of art that left no wake aren’t interesting to me. Even Fred Roger’s, one of the nicest … Continue reading Jim Henson: Idea Man

Joy Ride

Where I Watched It: VOD/iTunes English Audio Description Provided By: Deluxe Narrated By: Jennifer Zane, Darren Rivets, and William Michael Redman. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I used to work in a movie theatre. Shocking. To this day, i remember the trailer for joy Ride. not the new film I’m about to review, but the thriller starring Paul Walker. We used to have a TV in the lobby that ran a loop of upcoming trailers, and when joy Ride was on there, there was always this moment where Paul Walker super emphatically shouted “He’s watching … Continue reading Joy Ride