The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/24/23

A tentative deal has been reached between the studios and the writers. The details have yet to be made public, but should be shortly as the membership has to vote on it. An official vote by leadership happens on Tuesday, which will solidify this a bit more, and possibly allow some writers to return to work. Most writers will have to wait until the contract is fully ratified by the WGA as a whole, but writers for talk shows are expected to resume possibly later this week, as all they need is for Tuesday’s vote to pass. 11) Daryl Dixon … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/24/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/17/23

HBO wasted zero time in cancelling Winning Time at the same time (I’m saying time a lot this time aren’t I?) as the season finale, which is now a series finale. I had a feeling this was going to happen, since the shows creator was begging for viewers on Twitter. 8) The White King (MGM Plus) English Audio Description?: No Status: Not Yet Renewed I have no idea what this show is about. It’s incredibly slow, very serious, has some medieval fighting sequences, and I guess royal drama? There was one good scene where the King admonished the Lords who … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/17/23