For Love And Life: No Ordinary Campaign

It is pretty hard to dislike a documentary that is centered around a disabled group fighting for their own lives, and advocating to Congress, when you are a blind film critic consistently advocating for the needs related to your disability. Going into this, I wasn’t sure what I would get to see of Brian and Sandra, the central couple at the heart of the documentary. Brian was diagnosed in his 30’s with ALS, and as someone already working in the political spectrum, he started to piece together a campaign to fund a debilitating diagnoses that has no cure. It’s funny … Continue reading For Love And Life: No Ordinary Campaign

The Blue Angels

I always try to go into a movie with a clear mind, and the idea that any movie can swing any way for me. but, we are still a product of a series of experiences, and our tastes are what they are. I was intrigued by The Blue Angels because it had been given at least some kind of an IMAX screening, and it had audio description by The Media Access Group, narrated by Ingir Tudor. But I have to admit that I don’t have a desire to ever go to an air show, sighted or not. I even had … Continue reading The Blue Angels

The Idea Of you

Hollywood has long made movies about older women and younger men. There are likely a dozen examples that predate the famous Mrs. Robinson, but since she had an affair with a young Dustin Hoffman in the Graduate, this odd little genre has made film after film where an older woman is charmed by a younger man. And, The Idea Of You is that film. Again. Adapted from a novel, and now with enough fans to be asking for a sequel, the idea Of You felt like a retread, until it had the balls to do something the other films didn’t … Continue reading The Idea Of you