The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/10/23

I’m trying to keep up with the bottom three on Dancing With The Stars, and Adrian Peterson has made it further than I thought he would. it’s almost like he’s made a switch or something. 6) Ahsoka (Disney Plus) English Audio Description?: Yes Status: Not Yet Renewed in case you are wondering how the final episode of the Disney Plus series wound up at the bottom, I have two words for you. Stormtrooper Zombies. No thank you. I love Rosario Dawson, but this show has seemingly gone out of its way to be the weirdest and most disappointing series so … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/10/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/03/23

Good news! Hulu has picked up only Murders in The Building for a fourth season. Maybe Chevy Chase will get taht Three Amigos reunion he’s been clamoring for. 7) The Irrational (Peacock) English Audio Description?: Yes Status: Not Yet Renewed I get to free up my schedule by a show now. Two episodes. That was enough for me to tell this procedural can’t escape the been there done that feel of all other shows that came before it, where some smart person consults with police. After years of The Mentalist, lie To Me, unforgettable, and many others, there is nothing … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/03/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/27/23

This time, I really didn’t stay up for any grouping of seven people on the same stage. but, I did watch some interesting shows, and we got a better timeline of how quickly some of these other shows are returning to air. 10) Name That Tune (FOX) English Audio Description?: No Status: Not Yet Renewed I suppose they had to release the crappy matches at some point so they dumped them both in the same episode. Both of these matchups featured a lot of misses, which made it not very interesting. Pick people who know music. The football players got … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/27/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/19/23

No big TV news, so I’ll use my intro spot to announce that Lily Gladstone, the one-time front runner for Best Supporting Actress, has now flipped and decided to run for Lead Actress. We now call this “Pulling a Michelle Williams.” Hopefully she dominates the movie, because she is now competing in films where the lead Actress is in a film clearly about them. 10) Alias (Disney Plus) English Audio Description?: No Status: Ended I’m still saying that this show is too action oriented to not have audio description. However, the second episode did have more dialogue. And, if you … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/19/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/14/23

Finally! Some TV news. I don’t know which is bigger. Lando has been elevated from a Disney plus series to a full fledged movie, so you can no longer expect it to come to Disney Plus (until after its theatrical run), and Netflix has picked One Piece up for a second season. The latter is kinda of a big deal considering their past anime adaptations haven’t made it to a second season (RIP Cowboy Bebop). Also, Netflix finds it appropriate to release yet another major international title without accessibility for their blind and visually impaired users so I’m considering doing … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/14/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/07/23

I bet it just got a little more awkward for those of you rewatching That 70’s Show. Just a little bit? 10) Outlander (Starz) English Audio Description?: No Status: Final Season I’ve caught up with Season 7. Mistress Fraser is currently in jail for her supposed murder that I couldn’t tell had happened in Season 6, because there’s no audio description. There’s more context given here, and when the more likely murderer confesses, I understood more of it. But there were still lots of questions. Was she on a boat? Is that boat just not moving? Was that another time … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/07/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 08/30/23

Well, Hulu rocked the internet with the cancellation of The Great. Just me posting that on my personal facebook feed got more comments than anything I’ve posted in the past month. People are irate to say the least. I’m not really sure what that decision was, to not announce a final season, but it’s a very bizarre call for a streamer about to raise their prices. in other TV news, the Lincoln Lawyer was picked up officially by Netflix for Season 3, which I’m not surprised by at all. 12) Outlander (Starz) English Audio Description?: No Status: Final Season Still … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 08/30/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 08/23/23

I didn’t quite get through as much again today as I had hoped. However, I did watch this thing at night where a bunch of people gathered on a stage to squabble for two hours. There really isn’t a grade I could give that, so it’s not included. 6) Designing Women (Hulu) English Audio Description?: No Status: Ended I needed to kill some time. honestly, I’m acknowledging that I kinda watched an episode of this because I had enough time before the aforementioned event, but i really didn’t pay attention. Sorry, Women. It’s ranked last, and I feel pretty good … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 08/23/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 08/17/23

Well, new seasons of Fargo and Chucky were both given fall premiere launch dates. So if the Networks are boring you to death with their strike filler, you can check those out. 10) Outlander (Starz) English Audio Description?: No Status: Final Season Still doing my Season 6 rewatch, and i remember being frustrated with the episode the last time. This is the one where Jamie believes he cheated on Claire while she was ill, and there’s a dead family from dysentery. There’s just a lot of stuff happening in this episode that doesn’t make sense to a blind viewer, and … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 08/17/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 08/09/23

I just saw some encouraging news for fans of Twisted Metal. The debut of that series (which I will start soon) is considered to be Peacock’s most watched comedy original thus far. So if you wanted a second season, there’s a good chance. Then again, FOX did cancel and ship off their most watched series because it was too expensive, so there’s that. 13) 8 Simple Rules (Disney Plus) English Audio Description?: No Status: Ended Considering a large chunk of what makes this episode funny is some physical comedy from john Ritter, I’d say his storyline didn’t work for me. … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 08/09/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- September 6th

I managed some television today, so the rankings won’t be so boring for the 3 of you I’m sure read this post. It’s all for you. One love. 1) The Terminal List (Amazon) English Audio Description?: Yes Well, spoilers I guess. But in Episode 5, which is not the finale, Reese managed to go after the guy responsible for his brain tumor. And he did it. In the 5th episode. That kind of felt like the big boss at the end, but a well timed car bomb, and a little sidewalk shootout took care of his guards and out King … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- September 6th

The Too Much TV Roundup- August 7th

One show I didn’t even finish the episode before giving up. Which one was it? 1) For All Mankind (Apple plus) English Audio Description?: Yes When you’re so personally invested in the characters that you envision yourself bitch slapping Margot down the hall for firing Molly, you know the show has great writing. Look, she may be a girl, but molly is a blind character working at fucking NASA, and I’m a blind film critic. If you didn’t think I’d have a strong reaction, and that Margot is now dead to me, you clearly misread this situation. And molly was … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- August 7th

Hotel Transylvania 4: Trans4mania

Featuring the voices of: Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Kathryn Hahn, Steve Buscemi, Jim Gaffigan, Fran Drescher, and David Spade. Directed By: Derek Drymon and Jennifer Kluska Where I Watched It: Amazon English Audio Description Available: Yes The Plot: After picking up a love interest (Hahn) in the last film, Dracula (Some dude) decides it’s time to move on from the Hotel, and leave it to his daughter (Gomez) and her human husband (Samberg) to run. But Dracula gets cold feet after realizing his son-in-law is kind of a doofus, so he makes up a reason why he can’t retire, which … Continue reading Hotel Transylvania 4: Trans4mania