The Too Much TV Roundup- 11/26/23

Had no idea this was happening, but apparently Baz Luhrmann recut his film Australia and released it on Hulu as a six part limited series. What an interesting concept. First, the Snyder Cut, now a new version of Australia. 1) Beckham (Netflix) English Audio Description?: Yes Status: Limited The first episode does a good job of explaining why David Beckham is famous. If you are at least familiar with the concept of who he is, you’ll be fine. It starts pretty much at the beginning of his football career, and the first episode takes him through his meteoric rise, and … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 11/26/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 11/09/23

A couple of things. It’s like these companies were waiting for the strike to end to start their bad behavior. Immediately following news of the strike ending, Warner Bros celebrated by totally and permanently shelving Coyote Vs Acme, another finished feature project, and using it as a tax write-off. So, once again, a ton of artists worked on a film for months, just so it can live forever in a closet. Meanwhile, ABC should have already known the fates of The Rookie Feds and The Good Lawyer, because as soon as the strike was over, ABC cancelled The Rookie Feds, … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 11/09/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/12/23

Two big new shows dropped yesterday. Also, Hulu, which just brought back moonlighting, announced the return of LA Law in November (not the remake). And there was news of Halloween being purchased for TV rights and a cinematic universe. So look for a Michael Myers TV show as well as I guess an Avengers style Myers universe? 10) The Ren and Stimpy Show (Paramount Plus) English Audio Description?: No Status: Ended While I am still enjoying a little taste of nostalgia, this series very much relies on sight gags and really needs audio description. It also has some perfect gags, … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/12/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/26/23

Well, the WGA has recommended that writers end the strike officially, so things will be written again. I don’t expect to see the fruition of this until next year, except in talk shows, but it happened. Also, I’m not ranking Dancing With The Stars, but I wish the show had audio description like NBC’s The Voice now does. I sat through the first couple couples and then gave up. 10) The Ren and Stimpy Show (Paramount Plus) English Audio Description?: No Status: Ended I’m mostly doing this for my own personal nostalgic trip, but I have to acknowledge that the … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/26/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/17/23

HBO wasted zero time in cancelling Winning Time at the same time (I’m saying time a lot this time aren’t I?) as the season finale, which is now a series finale. I had a feeling this was going to happen, since the shows creator was begging for viewers on Twitter. 8) The White King (MGM Plus) English Audio Description?: No Status: Not Yet Renewed I have no idea what this show is about. It’s incredibly slow, very serious, has some medieval fighting sequences, and I guess royal drama? There was one good scene where the King admonished the Lords who … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/17/23