Sasquatch Sunset

You know, I appreciate a good shot in the dark every once in a while. A filmmaker who just is willing to go completely outside of the box, building himself a new box, and doing his own thing. You need to understand that Sasquatch Sunset is not for everyone. It just isn’t. But, what it is, is certainly not derivative. It isn’t another superhero movie, or a sequel, or a remake. It’s not a prequel. It is an original work through and through, and there has to be something said for that. At the end of the day, this is … Continue reading Sasquatch Sunset

Dune: Part II

in preparation for this masterpiece of a film, I felt compelled to warm up my Dune knowledge by rewatching the first film. I have to say,as someone with no prior knowledge of anything Due before watching the first Denis Villeneuve entry, I wasn’t jumping all over it like a lot of people. I think about the aspect of my blindness, and how that affects my watching and enjoyment,and there is a possibility that the spectacle just doesn’t translate, and I’m left with a script that is difficult to follow. I’m careful not to complain too much, because I hate data … Continue reading Dune: Part II

The Creator

I first tried watching this on Hulu shortly after it released, but not right away. it did not have audio description, nor did it through Hulu on Disney Plus. Months later, I finally was able to watch this film with the wonderful description done by Deluxe and William Michael Redmond. I avoided really reviewing the film the first time, because I had a feeling I was enjoying the film, I just couldn’t understand it. Man, I was missing a lot. the creator stars John David Washington as a man caught in a futuristic war where countries look very different, AI … Continue reading The Creator

Silent Night (2023)

Every year, there’s always some kind of an award for audio description. Not that it reaches mainstream audiences, but for a blind film critic like myself, I’m very aware. If the team at Deluxe and William Michael Redmond aren’t nominated, simply nominated, the actual award itself means nothing. It would be like trying to compete in an athletic event where the obvious choice has somehow been disqualified. It puts a bit of a damper on your win, because the tiger in the fight wasn’t, so you don’t actually know if the win you got was earned. There is zero question … Continue reading Silent Night (2023)

Joy Ride

Where I Watched It: VOD/iTunes English Audio Description Provided By: Deluxe Narrated By: Jennifer Zane, Darren Rivets, and William Michael Redman. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I used to work in a movie theatre. Shocking. To this day, i remember the trailer for joy Ride. not the new film I’m about to review, but the thriller starring Paul Walker. We used to have a TV in the lobby that ran a loop of upcoming trailers, and when joy Ride was on there, there was always this moment where Paul Walker super emphatically shouted “He’s watching … Continue reading Joy Ride