The Too Much TV Roundup- 11/10/23

The Marvels box office is not just reflective of Marvel fatigue, but also the impact of the strike. Two of the films lead characters are being played by rising stars from Disney plus shows, and were unable to promote the film. Disney should have pushed this back, and now they have their lowest opening ever. 9) Name That Tune (Hulu) English Audio Description?: No Status: Unknown honestly, just the most underwhelming episode. Jeff Ross knew all the songs until he got to the final, and then Tig knew all the songs, yet somehow Nicole ended up in the finale. Baffling. … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 11/10/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/26/23

I do believe as I’m writing this, that the Maine mass shooter is still at large. A tremendous tragedy we seem unable and unwilling to stop, or even attempt to reduce the possibility of recurrence. Yesterday, Paramount Plus did cancel two shows, Rabbit Hole and Fatal Attraction, neither surprised me. 9) SeaQuest DSV (Peacock) English Audio Description?: No Status: Ended I tend to normally give this show a grade. Conceptually, I understand it from watching it as a kid. But this episode, which involved rescuing people from a crashed spaceship that had a virus on it that was killing people, … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/26/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/17/23

Dancing With The Stars certainly took the magic of Disney night to max corporate synergy. Meanwhile, some top Hollywood talent are meeting with the SAG negotiations to see what’s up. Oh, I don’t know… the studios don’t want to negotiate? 12) World On Fire (PBS) English Audio Description?: No Status: Unknown I assumed this was a limited series the first time around, but PBS brought it back apparently without Helen hunt, and far more conversations not in English. This is a war drama with a lot of subtitles I can’t read, so much like AMC Plus’s Daryl Dixon, it is … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/17/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/10/23

I’m trying to keep up with the bottom three on Dancing With The Stars, and Adrian Peterson has made it further than I thought he would. it’s almost like he’s made a switch or something. 6) Ahsoka (Disney Plus) English Audio Description?: Yes Status: Not Yet Renewed in case you are wondering how the final episode of the Disney Plus series wound up at the bottom, I have two words for you. Stormtrooper Zombies. No thank you. I love Rosario Dawson, but this show has seemingly gone out of its way to be the weirdest and most disappointing series so … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 10/10/23

The Too Much TV Roundup: 09/28/23

RIP Dumbledore. I loved both Richard Harris and Michael Gambon’s takes on Dumbledore, and since there is virtually nothing worth discussing in the world of TV and Film news, I’ll use my preamble area to mention the passing of Michael Gambon. 11) Alias (Disney Plus) English Audio Description?: No Status: Ended Come on Disney! Put some audio description on it! This show always has some kind of action sequence set to music. As much as I love this show, it’s hard to keep ranking it dead last as unwatchable all the time because it is an action show with scenes … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup: 09/28/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/20/23

Totes forgot to mention, perhaps because it doesn’t have audio description and I stopped watching it, that Dark Winds was renewed for a third season. So, any lingering fans out there, you may celebrate. 11) Adventure Time (MAX) English Audio Description?: No Status: Ended Finn tries to convince a tree trunk to have an adventure. I love that these episodes are so short. Episode Grade: B 10) Futurama (Hulu) English Audio Description?: No Status: Revival Now Running in the season 3 premiere, Bender is affected by a were-car, which of course takes the gang on a strange journey. rarely do … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/20/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/17/23

HBO wasted zero time in cancelling Winning Time at the same time (I’m saying time a lot this time aren’t I?) as the season finale, which is now a series finale. I had a feeling this was going to happen, since the shows creator was begging for viewers on Twitter. 8) The White King (MGM Plus) English Audio Description?: No Status: Not Yet Renewed I have no idea what this show is about. It’s incredibly slow, very serious, has some medieval fighting sequences, and I guess royal drama? There was one good scene where the King admonished the Lords who … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/17/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- July 11th

Once again, my totally random assortment of television shows thrown against each other for a rather random rankings list. 1) Outer Range (Amazon) English Audio Description?: Yes There’s a reason this show managed some mentions in my best of the past year in TV on my YouTube, and it has a lot to do with the complete level of unpredictability Outer Range possesses. And it does so with an exceptional cast. in one episode, we had a son trying to kill his father, we had a very unlikely pairing of two characters that led to the kidnapping and almost death … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- July 11th

The Too Much TV Roundup- July 4th

I definitely watched a really nice chunk of shows. not everything was perfect, but the overall quality was solid. 1) Outer Range (Amazon) English Audio Description: Yes I had a really hard time picking the top spot because so many shows were on fire. Outer Range though, with all its twists and turns continued to amaze me. Whether it be Royal’s rather destructive treatment of Autumn, or her ultimate path toward revenge (and that phone call! Who is funding her?), to the smaller moments between a brother who made a choice thinking it was the right call, but not knowing … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- July 4th

The Too Much TV Roundup- June 28th

When it’s your birthday, what shows do you pick out? Do you pick out all winners? I feel pretty good about my assortment of shows. 1) Ozark (Netflix) English Audio Description Available?: Yes One thing is for sure. I’m going to miss the hell out of this show. What a clusterfuck this episode was in a brilliant way. Wendy spent so much time trying to do her usual maneuvering to try and get Mel out of the picture so he couldn’t testify in her custody hearing, but it was all for naught. Meanwhile, maybe she’s starting to see what Marty … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- June 28th

The Too Much TV Roundup- June 22nd

Nerd Day! A bunch of things aimed at a very specific group all dropped today. All of this, plus I managed a multiverse of madness. 1) The Umbrella Academy (Netflix) English Audio Description Available?: Yes Maybe it was the dance fight. No, it was definitely the dance fight, dream sequenced or not, that sent this episode to the top of my rankings chart. Really happy to have this show back for another 10 episodes. I was wondering when they were going to address the Vanya/Elliot Page need to transition the character, but not in the first episode would be that … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- June 22nd

The Too Much TV Roundup- June 15th

Five shows should be easy to rank. Right? I also squeezed in a movie, so this short list is somewhat deceiving. 1) Killing It (Peacock) English Audio Description Available?: Yes The 6th episode of this increasingly more and more hilarious sitcom found Craig outside in a massive line waiting to vote just to make his daughter happy, while being followed around by an insurance agent. Meanwhile, Jillian’s sister is the literal worst. Or maybe her dogs are. I can’t tell. Probably both. Episode Grade: A 2) Miss Marvel (Disney Plus) English Audio Description Available?: Yes In the second episode, we … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- June 15th

The Too Much TV Roundup- June 6th

Gonna stop clogging up these lists with random reruns of old shows. Keeping it fresh, or at least relatively fresh. No one cares where I’m at in Cheers. Although, everybody does know my name there. 1) Bridgerton (Netflix) English Audio Description Available?: Yes I don’t know what this means for fans of Bridgerton that latched on during Season 1, but I wasn’t a huge fan of the first season. But, I really enjoyed season 2, and how they changed Anthony into a character we could actually root for, even after all his bullshit in Season 1. Not to mention, Kate … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- June 6th

The Too Much TV Roundup- May 31st

Sometimes, you just pick a really good block of shows, and then your day of watching feels very well spent. Here’s a rundown of everything I watched yesterday. (Yes, everything. I didn’t watch a film yesterday). 1) Reacher (Amazon) English Audio Description Available?: Yes Last week, I acknowledged I was one episode away from finishing this season, and I had to rank it in second then because it was up against a season finale. I said then that Reacher would be on top when I finished, and I kept my promise, despite putting it on the same day as the … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- May 31st

The Too Much TV Roundup- May 26th

Somehow, in and around the movies, I’m still managing to knock out series. It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it. Lol. 1) Better Call Saul (Netflix/AMC) English Audio Description available?: Yes in the 7th episode of Season 5, jimmy and Kim worked toward a closure on their Green Table (aka Mesa Verde) plot, which led to not only a whopper of a gimmick from Saul Goodman, but in the episode’s B-Plot, mike worked to remove Lallo from the equation without personally linking himself to the events. So many actors deserve Emmy’s from this series. Episode Grade: A 2) … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- May 26th