History Of The World Part 1

Where I Watched It: Hulu English Audio Description?: No No matter which film critic you follow, we all have the same problem. Catching up. It’s only getting worse for newer, younger film buffs attempting at becoming film criticism, because their list of films that they need to see is even longer. So, as this was made before i was born, this was on my catch up list. And while I have familiarized myself with the genius of Mel Brooks, it wasn’t this film. Then, hulu decided to do an awful Part 2, and I really needed to see how big … Continue reading History Of The World Part 1

The Too Much TV Roundup- 05/10/23

FOX has given a second season to the comedy Animal Control. Also, Disney is planning on merging Hulu into Disney Plus by the end of the year, and is currently in negotiations to buy out Comcast on their remaining shares. So your kids can watch Encanto and American Horror Story in one place! I have been integrating more and more reruns into my Lineup, a trend I’m personally enjoying. I’d rather continue to expand this way than spend more time stuck in series I’m not enjoying. So, especially on this list, this will likely be the last time for some … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 05/10/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 04/29/23

You know what today is. It’s the day we are all supposed to post that Justin Timberlake/*NSYNC meme “It’s Gonna Be May”. Don’t worry. I’m here to remind you of useless knowledge to keep your socials on fleek. Also, no one says “on fleek” anymore. 11) history of The World Part 2 (hulu) English Audio Description?: Yes I really feel like someone who is not Mel Brooks wrote the script, had Mel brooks look at it, and possibly punch it up a bit, and then he gave it his blessing. There are so many jokes here that fall flat and … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 04/29/23

The Too Much TV Roundup- 04/01/23

We are already a quarter of the way through the year. Based on how fast I review films thus far, I’ll see 80 films this year. Of course, I know I’ll see more, but it’s crazy how slow accumulating that at the beginning of the year really is. 7) History Of The World Part 2 (Hulu) English Audio Description?: Yes There were times in the first episode that the comedy did feel in the style of Mel Brooks, but most of this doesn’t feel like him at all. I did laugh at the Lincoln segment in the first part. Making … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- 04/01/23

Paws Of Fury: The Legend Of hank

Where I Watched It: Paramount Plus English Audio Description?: Yes This was a film I had no idea was even in the pipeline. Then, when it suddenly was released, theatrically, I started seeing the reviews. Some critics wondered why this wasn’t sent straight to Paramount Plus, but most understand that a theatrical run can elevate a product like this and keep it from feeling like a third rate film no one ever needed. And the truth is, we didn’t need this film. But, all things considered, it could have been much worse. Aside from the god awful title, this animated … Continue reading Paws Of Fury: The Legend Of hank