
Where I Watched it: Amazon English Audio Description Provided By: Media Access Group Narrated by: Inger Tudor Generally by the time I get around to the print versions of my reviews, I’m always a little bit behind my YouTube channel. It’s just so much easier to record and upload, than to construct my thoughts while fighting aggressive auto-correct, and a screen reader that often reads a word that sounds so much like the word I meant to use. But, even with the few more 2023 films I’ve seen since Air, it’s still at number one for me for the year. … Continue reading Air

The Too Much TV Roundup- June 28th

When it’s your birthday, what shows do you pick out? Do you pick out all winners? I feel pretty good about my assortment of shows. 1) Ozark (Netflix) English Audio Description Available?: Yes One thing is for sure. I’m going to miss the hell out of this show. What a clusterfuck this episode was in a brilliant way. Wendy spent so much time trying to do her usual maneuvering to try and get Mel out of the picture so he couldn’t testify in her custody hearing, but it was all for naught. Meanwhile, maybe she’s starting to see what Marty … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- June 28th

The Too Much TV Roundup- June 16th

Today, once again a large chunk of my day was taken up by non-TV shows. There was a hearing, and i managed two movies. So this feels like a lower count of TV shows than usual, which makes it easier for the winner. 1) Ozark (Netflix) English Audio Description Available?: Yes In the 10th episode of the final season, Marty spent most of the episode trying to get a guy to convince to something we’re al pretty sure he didn’t do. Meanwhile, the Julia Garner vs Laura Linney face off is getting perfect as Ruth actually managed to outsmart her … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- June 16th

The Too Much TV Roundup- June 10th

Time to make the donuts. 1) Ozark (Netflix) English Audio Description Available?: Yes In the 9th episode of the final season, Ruth is still giving zero fucks. She does manage to put herself together to attend the funeral with Three. Meanwhile, Grandpa is in town, and he’s looking for Ben. This was a great episode full of little moments and exchanges that truly created something special. For example, Jason Bateman’s realization at the end of the episode that he can’t even trust his own wife to tell him the truth. It was that resigned acceptance that sold me on the … Continue reading The Too Much TV Roundup- June 10th