The Small Screen Diaries- 06/12/24

It’s Pride Month, and June 12th is a day I will always remember, as I woke up to knew that a man walked into a gay nightclub in my city and opened fire. Eventually, we would hear that 49 souls died that night,This also came a day after Christina Grimmie was shot and killed by someone at a performance of hers, also in Orlando. I’m always aware of this period, and since the majority of my personal friends on social media are too, it’s a day I’ll never forget. I have a friend whose birthday is June 12th, and was planning to go to Pulse that night, but chose to go somewhere else at the last minute to celebrate their birthday. Whatever that gut instinct was likely saved his life. Love is love is love is love is love.

In terms of TV news, which I usually also throw up at the top, Mare Of East Town is being developed into a series, as a second season is currently in planning stages. This, along with upcoming new seasons for shows like beef and nine Perfect strangers really make me wonder… what is the purpose of Limted Series anymore? Also, It will be a while until the 4th season of Bridgerton, which Shonda Rhimes confirmed. Definitely, not 2025, but possibly even 2027. You may have to wait till 2027 for new episodes. So savor those final four. Shonda has other projects she wants to tackle. And lastly, Hijack season 2 is happening, as I’ve seen the casting for it.

Dark Matter (Apple Plus) is compelling in its next to final episode of the season. What an odd twist at the end. So very strange, and I feel like I need a season two confirmed. There’s no way they can wrap this all up in one episode. As a side note, and i don’t know if this is a choice by Apple, or the AD team, but the AD team should match numbers, so we know who is from what world, instead of the number of times we’ve seen a particular character, because it’s starting to get a little insane. in retrospect, it would have made more sense to make sure that everyone from World 1 was labeled as 1, and 2 as 2, even if we don’t see a certain character. We don’t know that we won’t ever see that version, so the numbers aligning to the worlds is a lot easier to follow instead of figuring out what amalgamation of numbers have gone where.

The Acolyte (Disney Plus) has let me down. I’m all about strong female leads, diversity, and everything this show has that people seem to hate, but I draw the line at space witches. I drew it during Ashoka, and I draw it again. Stop. Space Vikings, Space Superheroes, Space whatever… this is Star Wars. The franchise should be cool enough as it is. Stop trying to put boring things from earth into the Star Wars Universe. Could you imagine the way that Star Wars is set up if they went through some alien invasion plot, just because it is something we see a lot of and is popular? Like, Alien or Independence Day for Star Wars? With all the different alien races co-existing already, it would make no sense. We do not need witches, we have the force.

Tires (Netflix) exists for all those guys who are upset about female leads. The fourth episode really puts the idea of “we don’t do that anymore” to rest. if Netflix sticks with tires, we absolutely do still make those jokes no one seems to think can get made. Shane is going out of his way here to hit all the marks.

I’ve heard there’s some casting issues about Clipped (Hulu), which I don’t understand. I think Laurence Fishburne is excellent, Ed O’Neill is excellent, and Jackie Weaver is annoying me, but excellent. While O’Neill’s Sterling is not a hero or champion to cheer for, Weaver makes her scored wife character so shrill I can’t stand her. It’s an interesting story, and I like Clipped. Do you?

And, I stand by what I’ve been saying. We did not need a season 3 of The Outlaws (Amazon), or at least this third season. First, no Chris Walken is a big deal, and second the story isn’t as interesting as the first two seasons that complimented each other so well. Yeah, I like these characters and I think the actors are great, and part of me loves seeing them all back together, but this feels like the sequel we didn’t need. This is Toy Story 4.

In terms of older shows, I am trying to slowly get through Transparent (Amazon), despite the Jeffrey Tambor backlash, because i had never watched it. The audio description, much like what I’m hearing on Man In The High Castle, feels like some early form of audio description. It could be mixed better.

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