The Small Screen Diaries- 06/19/24

Happy Juneteenth! I didn’t do a Diary yesterday, so today is a bit of an amalgamation of stuff from the last two days that had audio description. But I did notice the news that Comedy Central is rebooting Everybody Hates Chris, and also Ryan Murphy is trying to do a male Golden Girls at Hulu with Matt Bomer and Nathan Lane. I don’t understand it either.

So let’s just tip my hat streamer to streamer:

Netflix: In the last two days, I’ve watched another episode of Eric, which Paula Hoffman is doing an excellent job of narrating. I kind of thought that Eric would turn out to be more of a thing in a show about him, since the show is so oddly titled, but the third episode reveals who took the kid, and now I’m not really sure what the show is trying to say. The actress who plays the mother of the other missing child has an excellent moment in the car on her ride home that was brutal, and devastating. The other two shows were both adult animations, Good Times and Mulligan. I did note that International Digital center is behind Mulligan.

Amazon: Outer range continues to be a show that will literally make me cry if Amazon cancels it. Roy’s narration this season is superb. I felt like I was the only fan of the first season, but I love how we keep getting pulled down this trippy dark rabbit hole each episode. Them: The Scare isn’t working for me in its second season. I thought the first season was just so strong, and had such a clear voice, that it would be interesting to see what the show did next. It’s less interesting, sadly. And finally, The Outlaws 4th episode of their 3rd season really hit the season high with the court scene. I haven’t cared much for this third season, but this fourth episode was pretty perfect, for a lot of storylines, but mostly Stephen Merchant does really nice work.

Hulu: I watched the third episode of Clipped (Hulu), and Laurence Fishburne is doing some nice work here. I’m not sure anyone is noticing it, but I like this show, and because I pay attention to the news, I know how it ends. I did also watch an older episode of 911, still playing catch up in Season 5, but it was the reintroduction of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s character.

MAX: Obviously, I got right in on House Of The Dragon, so shoutout to Connor Dewolfe for writing an excellent script, and to Roy Samuelson for his narration. My only thought I ever have is… I feel like I don’t know these dragons well enough in terms of what they look like to understand how everyone always knows which dragon is which.But I’m glad this show is back. Also, Pretty Little Liars: Summer Camp certainly went for some extremely unnecessary weirdness in the 4th episode. Though, that final girl challenge was dumb. She was dumb for doing it. She wasn’t even in a trap, she could have just walked away. it was very clear no one was actually in danger. I haven’t finished the season, but there was this character at the pool “String Bean”, and I think he’s the killer. Because he wasn’t killed off makes me suspicious.

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