The Too Much TV Roundup- 09/17/23

HBO wasted zero time in cancelling Winning Time at the same time (I’m saying time a lot this time aren’t I?) as the season finale, which is now a series finale. I had a feeling this was going to happen, since the shows creator was begging for viewers on Twitter.

8) The White King (MGM Plus)

English Audio Description?: No

Status: Not Yet Renewed

I have no idea what this show is about. It’s incredibly slow, very serious, has some medieval fighting sequences, and I guess royal drama? There was one good scene where the King admonished the Lords who failed to support the latest campaign that cost the prince his life. At least… I think. I tried this. It doesn’t work without audio description.

Episode Grade: unwatchable

7) Daryl Dixon (AMC Plus)

English Audio Description?: No

Status: Renewed

Daryl is still stuck in France with French speaking characters I can’t understand. I need audio description, otherwise it’s very likely I may never understand most of what’s happening, and my grade will continue to be…

Final Grade: unwatchable

6) Designing Women (Hulu)

English Audio Description?: No

Status: Ended

Anthony is getting a little extra help with his college classes.

Episode Grade: C+

6) Trophy Wife (Hulu)

English Audio Description?: No

Status: Ended

After failing to tell his wife that her chili was terrible, Bradley Whitford pretends they are in counseling, but uses the free time to do fun things with malin Akerman while his ex-wives pick up the slack.

Episode Grade: B-

5) The Ren and Stimpy Show (Paramount Plus)

English Audio Description?: No

Status: Ended

A nice trip down nostalgia lane. Not only do I remember the Cinnamon Toast man, but both sketches. The Robin Hood story, and Ren being sick and being taken care of by Stimpy… who is an idiot.

Episode Grade: B

4) Young Sheldon (MAX)

English Audio Description?: Yes

Status: Renewed

Sheldon takes apart the fridge, and then has to get a part time job to pay back his Dad for the repair work.

Episode Grade: B+

3) Killing It (Peacock)

English Audio Description?: Yes

Status: Not Yet Renewed

I was mostly on board, but the series has had to shift its main premise. The employee chasing the truck down at the end was silly. Why does she still work there? There hasn’t been any work for her as of that point in at least a month. And, that inspector is awful at his job. The dog bit was funny, but he’s blissfully unaware at how awful he is. And I just think Season 1 was smarter.

Episode Grade: B+

2) Heartstopper (Netflix)

English Audio Description?: Yes

Status: Not Yet Renewed

Most of the season premiere is Nick trying to tell Imogene that he is bisexual and dating Charlie. That is about 90% of the episode. There’s also a teacher in here who is a bit much, even by British standards.

Episode Grade: A-

1) Archer (Hulu)

English Audio Description?: Yes

Status: Final Season

It’s hard to say goodbye to Archer, but at least I can do it with audio description. Is the audio description great? No. But the show has a lot of dialogue, which has always helped me understand it around the action set pieces. That, and Archer is in its 14th season, and I haven’t been blind for 14 years. One more show gone that I remember what everyone looks like. but, kudos to making Lana the boss.

Episode Grade: A-

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