The Blue Angels

I always try to go into a movie with a clear mind, and the idea that any movie can swing any way for me. but, we are still a product of a series of experiences, and our tastes are what they are. I was intrigued by The Blue Angels because it had been given at least some kind of an IMAX screening, and it had audio description by The Media Access Group, narrated by Ingir Tudor. But I have to admit that I don’t have a desire to ever go to an air show, sighted or not. I even had a friend who was a wing Walker, and his tragic life story always made me wonder why he chose to do that. The Blue Angels aren’t that, but it’s all air show stuff.

Glen Powell narrates over a documentary about the new recruits for The Blue Angels, and the training that goes into all of it. It’s rated G, so it plays a little like a promotional video to become a Blue Angel. I made it to the end of the film, but it was about as interesting to me as a person as a documentary of knitting.

Subjectively, trying to factor that in, it moves well, the edits are tight, and the audio description is solid. The biggest thing working against it is the blazing optimism it has with regards to actually being a blue Angel. Like I said, Rated G. For everyone. From a 2 year old to a 90 year old. Although, the latter will likely actually enjoy this movie, while the 2 year old takes a nap.

If you’ve ever been to an air show and seen the blue Angels in action and thought about how much you wanted to know more, than this documentary might be for you. If you hate planes, never go outside, and don’t know what a Glen Powell is, than I’d skip it.

Final Grade: B-

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