Bit City Greens: Spacecation

granted, I’m putting this review up a little late after having seen this when it originally dropped on Disney Plus, but it is important to immediately note that this film doesn’t have audio description on the service. It is such a shame, because even though I have only a teensie bit of knowledge regarding this show, I have to say the movie, or what I could understand of it, reminded me so much of when Disney used to turn their 90’s properties into films, with Ducktales: Treasure Of The Lost Lamp and A goofy Movie. Big City Greens has been a solid franchise for them, this plot resembles Armageddon, and there’s original music. it is so disappointing that Disney didn’t make audio description here. They have been really pretty good about stuff that debuts on Disney plus, especially if it isn’t a National Geographic thing (which sometimes doesn’t have audio description). It is wild for me to sit here, and wonder what happened?

Then again, Disney Plus has been the home of Bluey on streaming, and parents have been clamoring to have for their kids. Fans of Star Wars Rebels would also like Season 3 to get audio description. I’m not the guy who is going to say “I know we can’t have everything”, because we aren’t even *close* to everything. When we get there, and I can safely say we are at almost everything, then there likely won’t be huge outcries, because those non-described titles will be so on the fringe, it is unlikely people would notice they lack audio description. In that world, where I do get to say “we can’t have everything”, major franchises and shows would have been covered. If Disney Plus was above a 90% accessibility through audio description, there’s no way they’d pass on getting all Star Wars content, original series and films like big City greens, or a major streaming draw like Bluey.

So, Disney, I am disappointed in you. And not for the reasons legions of trolls online are trying to come at you, but simply because blind kids deserve to see something like Big City greens on Disney Plus. It is too big of a title to not have its feature length movie not described.

Do better.

Final Grade: Unwatchable

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