The Small Screen Diaries- 06/23/24

I usually leave non-audio described shows off the list, except for that first episode, just to acknowledge that this show exists and does not have audio description. So, the winner today is Orphan Black: Echoes (AMC Plus), which is airing without audio description on AMC Plus. I would absolutely be on board, because of Krysten Ritter, who proved to me multiple times in the past to never count her out. I’m not a deep fan of the original, so I can enjoy an American revival/remake of the series. the problem is that this is one of those shows where the lead can’t trust her own memory, so she sees things, and I think there are copies, and different versions, so I’m not always aware of who is on screen since they reference having people “printed”. There’s some dialogue here, but I was far too confused in certain parts without audio description to suggest this to other blind and visually impaired audiences in its current state of no audio description. Sadly, you won’t hear me mention this one again.

Jurassic World: Chaos Theory (Netflix) keeps getting darker and darker as Kenji and Darius visit Kenji’s father to learn what Brooklyn wanted before she died. Of course, the world’s best behaving raptors show up, and one of those three characters I just mentioned doesn’t survive. This is a show for kids! I love it.

I’m still not quite done with Velma (MAX) as they continue to try and find the killer, and also Daphne’s brain. This show may not be great, but at least it can say it isn’t derivative. Fred can be entertaining for being such a dolt all the time. I wonder if MAX would go for a third season, since Netflix is now making a Scooby-Doo show.

And lastly, Hacks (MAX) tried to celebrate Christmas, with Carol being invited over, and Ava’s mom flying in, and Debra throwing a big party. You would think that would be enough, but her overachieving agent/management team spends the whole episode talking with the grandson of Fatty Arbuckle (played by Christopher Lloyd) to get Jack Dandy attracted to something other than the talk show and put Debra back in the running.

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