The Small Screen Diaries- 06/26/24

I started my day by finishing Dark Matter (Apple Plus), which left me in a head scratcher of a position. Do we leave it there, and call it a rather perfect limited series, or do they try to do what every other limited series is doing now and go for a second season? I think the possibilities are there, but I don’t actually know that they can top the first season. I want this answer to come creatively, from a place of creative strength, and not pressure from Apple Plus to do another one. Open the door, but also allow that door to be closed if that is the decision. If you love science fiction, you owe it to yourself to watch Dark Matter. it it true science fiction, not body horror disguised as, or aliens, or space, anything like that, but a truly sci-fi centric quandary. If this got some surprise Emmy attention, I’d welcome it.

Also on the same streamer was the debut of Eva Longoria’s new show Land Of Women (Apple Plus), which actually shares the same narrator (I believe Jedidiah Barton) with Dark Matter. it’s a bilingual eventual romcom that sees Eva as a socialite whose husband borrows money from “the wrong people” so he flees, and she flees also with their daughter, and her mother to Spain, where her mom grew up thinking they own a house in this tiny village they can use to hide. Turns out, time has other plans, and this cute and fluffy show will explore all of that over the six episode run. If you like Eat Pray Love type stuff, you’ll find stuff here. Also, props to some very strong LGBTQ+ representation, which is expanded upon in the second episode.

It’s also The Acolyte (Disney Plus) day, so i sat through a disappointing fifth episode of that. Yeah, I don’t want to dive into too much spoilers, but the Smith mask came off, and while I had thought that was a possibility, I just do not take him seriously, or find him remotely scary. His team, his agents, other casting directors haven’t done enough to break him of his kinda goofy mold which was his initial vibe. I love the actor, but this isn’t the right role for him. Also, it might be cool to kill off two major characters, but I was actually looking forward to seeing one of them do substantial fight choreography, not just a tiny snippet of it. So, killing off a character played by someone I was excited to see do more fight choreography was also a let down. I came in hot and strong with this series, and it captured me, but it now seems to be slowly letting me go. There’s an army of people who hated this show before it aired, and I wanted to be able to fight back against that, but I’m struggling fam.

Blood Of Zeus (Netflix) continues on with its mythology. I’m more interested in that than anything else, and when I can feel the strong sense of it, I love it more. I am still in season 1, catching up.

The Outlaws (Amazon) wrapped. Again. leave it alone. The first two seasons were super solid, and the third was wobbly. I missed Christopher Walken, and while Jessica Gunning and Stephen Merchant still really had some strong moments, most of the rest of the cast got lost. I do not need more episodes of this show. I want to remember it as an underrated gem, not something that went on too long.

I knocked out another episode of Jerrod Carmichael’s Reality Show (MAX), which I think was Episode 6? It was a lot of him talking again about his boyfriend, and with his boyfriend. the model for this show is interesting, and I wonder if Emmy voters will respond. I would. Jerrod is really opening up here, and doing it in the most entertaining way possible.

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