The Small Screen Diaries- 05/23/24

Well, we finished Jeopardy Masters (Hulu), which has had a mixed ability to get audio description to Hulu, but the finale has it, so I can talk about it. A new Final boss is crowned, but since all three will be back for the third go around of this, we might get a new boss next season.

I also knocked out the season finale of Will Trent (Hulu), which really swung for the fences there at the end with an end that will change how the show is in Season 3. I gotta say, I also immediately hated the wife who has been missing in action, comes back, says she’s moving to another state and is filing for custody. It reminded me of Kramer Vs Kramer, and I didn’t like Meryl Streep in that either. The parent that does the work gets to be the parent. She doesn’t even say “we can discuss joint custody”. That’s a great way to write a character I no longer care for or about. Sorry, not sorry. Maybe because I’m a child from a single parent household, I’m jaded against someone swinging in and being like… hey, I’m here now.

Bridgerton (Netflix) had an interesting way of ending the second episode. I thought the will-they-won’t-they would last longer than two episodes, but I guess not. But, is Francesca about to become the diamond in the rough? I love how this audio description puts ethnicity front and center, which is literally the point of this show. thank you.

The Tattooist Of Auschwitz (Peacock) continues to be a dark dark story. Some poor girl in the camp is pregnant. In a concentration camp. You know this can’t possibly end well.

Dark Matter (Apple Plus) almost becomes a new show each episode, as the series dives even further into science fiction. In the 4th episode, we explore the hallways of the mind to try and get through the multiverse, and see all these different possibilities. Meanwhile, the fake version is just rewriting the life to fit his own narrative. No job anymore. He’s going to build a box.

One Day (Netflix) finally gets to its emotional point. I’m sorry, but you could have done this a lot quicker. By extending this, I really didn’t care about these characters or this relationship. but I’m glad I stuck long enough, to Episode 13, to figure out what all the fuss is about. One more episode left.

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